Questions Answered About Anxiety & Stress By Health Coach Karishma Shah

Increase your physical activity. Moving your body on a regular basis may help you feel less anxious. Maintain a balanced diet. Every area of your health, including your mental health, is affected by your nutrition.
While anxiety cannot be removed, there are ways to prevent it from becoming a major problem. You can manage your out-of-control anxieties and get on with your life if you get the right anxiety treatment.
Concentrate on your breathing. . Set realistic expectations and goals. Meditation with a guide is a great way to get away from the stresses of everyday life.
To boost your immune system, eat and drink the right things. Exercise on a regular basis Tension factors should be reduced. Small achievable expectations and goals. Avoid consuming alcoholic drinks. Make getting a good night’s sleep a priority.
Stress is a common trigger for anxiety and it’s important to catch anxiety symptoms early to prevent development of an anxiety disorder.
Anxiety can trigger your flight-or-fight stress response and release a flood of chemicals and hormones, like adrenaline, into your system.
People who have anxiety, depression or chronic stress may have a higher risk of heart problems. Chronic stress can lead to high blood pressure, which raises the risk of heart attack and stroke.
A number of studies have shown that yoga may help reduce stress and anxiety. Yoga can enhance your mood and overall sense of well-being.
Take some time to relax: Take some time to care for yourself. Practice mindfulness- Mindfulness is learning how to focus your attention and become more aware.