Here’s why drinking Green Tea/Lemon Water will NOT make you lose weight.
A Nutritionist to your rescue.
Here’s why drinking Green Tea/Lemon Water will NOT make you lose weight. A Nutritionist to your rescue. Nowadays, everyone sticks by the benefits of a glass of warm water with lemon juice, or a cup of green tea. It is said to be great for weight loss,indigestion, and detoxification. But is it really healthy? Turns out, not really. Many people say that drinking green tea will help you to slim down quickly. Also, warm lemon water will not help speed up your metabolism, as is generally believed. Between all these myths, eating right can seem like a real challenge. But it doesn’t have to be. This is when a nutritionist comes to your rescue. They are professionals who have undergone specialized training and earned certifications to give nutrition advice and aid you in improving your health.Here is precisely why you may need to consult a nutritionist: When you begin your journey to lose weight, you need comprehensive support. Nutritionists can design personalized weight loss nutrition plans to help you lose 2 kgs or 20 kgs. Your nutritionist will lead you toward healthy food choices while helping you enjoy the foods you are eating. Nutritionists can also educate you about healthy food habits and behaviors that encourage weight loss. Healthy habits may include eating at the dining table, weighing your food, or avoiding late-night snacks. The goal of this education is to help you develop healthy habits for the rest of your life. Not only this, but you need nutritionists for so much more: TO CONTROL DIABETES Diabetes nutrition counseling helps you discover how foods influence your diabetes and teach you strategies for healthier eating. TO BOOST ATHLETIC PERFORMANCE Sports nutritionists explain how to create diet plans for athletes from different sports that help your body build muscle, gain energy, and recover from workouts. TO OVERCOME METABOLIC CONDITIONS LIKE POLYCYSTIC OVARY SYNDROME (PCOS) Metabolic conditions can increase the risk of heart conditions, diabetes, and obesity. Here, nutritionists can help you control these risks with diet plans designed for your health provisions. TO HEAL DIGESTION PROBLEMS, FOOD ALLERGIES OR INTOLERANCES Digestive issues like acid reflux or lactose intolerance require specialized diets to control symptoms. This is where the nutritionists can advise you to create diet plans that keep you healthy and are full of foods that you enjoy eating. TO HAVE THE HEALTHIEST PREGNANCY POSSIBLE Nutritionists can help you determine the right foods to encourage healthy development in your baby and keep you healthy, too. Post-pregnancy, nutritionists can also help you create a plan to lose the baby weight while maintaining a good milk supply for breastfeeding.