Kapha Dosha Archives - Karishma Shah Nutrition https://karishmashahnutrition.com/product-tag/kapha-dosha/ The New Tradition is Good Nutrition | Best nutritionist and dietician in Mumbai | Best holistic health coach in Mumbai Mon, 28 Mar 2022 08:26:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 A Complete Guide To Kapha Dosha & Kapha Diet Chart https://karishmashahnutrition.com/product/kapha-diet-plan/ Wed, 29 Dec 2021 10:45:11 +0000 https://karishmashahnutrition.com/product/vata-meal-plan-copy-2/ Karisham Shah and her team have designed this Kapha dosha plan that will guide you through a process of self-discovery, inquiry, and honest reflection through the lens of Ayurveda and Kapha diet.

Get to know a complete Ayurveda Kapha diet chart and rescue your body from multiple diseases by discovering your mind and Kapha body type.

You also get the following through our Kapha Dosha Guide:- 

  • List of Pacifying Foods for Each Kapha dosha
  • Knowledge about the attributes of each Kapha dosha and other types both Mind & Body Functions
  • Ayurvedic Kapha dosha Recipes
  • Kapha dosha Characteristics of Each Body Type
  • Education on Eating local & Seasonal Produce
  • E-mail & Whatsapp access directly with Ms. Karishma Shah for answers to any queries and concerns related to your specific Kapha dosha.

The post A Complete Guide To Kapha Dosha & Kapha Diet Chart appeared first on Karishma Shah Nutrition.

What Is Ayurveda Kapha?

Ayurveda kapha is a very individualised approach to treating a person. It’s not a one-style fit approach to solving health issues. It recognizes that every person is inherently different in the constitution of Pitta, Vata, and Kapha. One can prevent bodily diseases by knowing which Ayurveda kapha to balance. Ayurveda kapha offers many life-altering benefits

How discovering your body constitution (dosha) can guide you through what you eat is how you think and our actions as well these are all interlinked with the nourishment of the body. Nourishing your body through a proper Kapha diet , Ayurvedic meals according to your dosha plays a cardinal role in Ayurvedic living. It emphasises Ahara (diet) and Anna (food) as a means of good health and wellness. A wholesome Kapha diet nurtures our body, mind, and soul.

Hey there! I am Karishma Shah, PhD an Integrative Health Nutritionist, Holistic Wellness Coach & an Ayurvedic Counsellor with a background in Clinical Nutrition, Ayurveda, and Spiritual-Mental Health and experience of working with clients across the globe. I am also a certified Holistic Life Coach.

Karishma Shah has designed this Kapha body type plan that will guide you through a process of self-discovery, inquiry, and honest reflection through the lens of Ayurveda. Your completed Ayurvedic Profile will equip you with customised resources for you to refer back to anytime, and personalised recommendations to support your health—body, mind, and spirit.

By discovering your mind and Kapha body type you will learn what makes you unique and unpack a whole world of personalised healthcare and Kapha diet chart recommendations for feeling your best.

How To Balance Kapha Dosha?

Steps on how to balance kapha dosha in ayurveda or How to reduce kapha are:

  • Seek newness
  • Exercise
  • Stay warm
  • Detoxify to remove kapha dosha
  • Favour warm substances
  • Perform Ayurvedic neti pot

Why Should You Consider Ms. Karishma Shah For Your Kapha Diet Chart?

Consulting an experienced nutritionist like Karishma at the right time is a priority to know the methods of losing weight, gaining energy and improving the quality of your life via personalised diet plans. A ayurveda kapha weight loss diet by us will provide you with a well-maintained Kapha diet plan to rescue your body from multiple diseases. 


The post A Complete Guide To Kapha Dosha & Kapha Diet Chart appeared first on Karishma Shah Nutrition.
